Alison Jane Reid

In 2012 a talented journalist interviewed Colin three times.  Two of these interviews are introspective and revealing of Colin’s early years.  The third is a behind the scenes review of the photo shoot.  We will provide that link, as well.  The discussion will most likely surround the other two which contain the magic of Colin.  These interviews are copyrighted, and we have no intention of violating that trust.  We will post the links back to the complete interviews.  But we will excerpt some comments which speak to us … and you are welcome to do the same for further comment.

Some of my favorites:  Article #1

Up close and personal, Colin comes across as thoughtful, intelligent and engaging.

Morgan is an appealing mix of raw, natural talent, and a rare maturity and thoughtfulness, perhaps fuelled by the self-knowledge that he is only too aware of the extraordinary journey it has taken him to arrive here at all.

“When I first started playing Merlin, I relied on instinct and my own experiences,” he says. “ I thought about what it must be like not to be able to show who you are and what your greatest gift is in a world that persecutes magic. I guess you can relate that to a lot of things. For me it’s about wanting to be an actor, growing up in Northern Ireland; and not being able to express that desire, because the opportunities just aren’t there.”

His face lights up as he delights in telling me about the award-winning film he recently made with Irish director Darragh Byrne. In Parked he plays Cathal, a dope-smoking twenty one-year-old who magically transforms the life of a lonely man with nowhere to live but his car.   “I really identified with the character. I liked the script, I liked working with Darragh, and I loved everything about the story – it couldn’t been more different from Merlin – it’s good not to be typecast – I’ve been very lucky.”

Link to the entire article:

Article #2:

There is something about the Irish, and their very special ability to convey what it means to be human with intelligence, and at times a dark, reckless, irresistible humanity. Colin Morgan has this ability, along with some of the greatest.

Morgan also seems drawn to play some of life’s outcasts – the uncomfortable, challenging fascinating roles,that linger long after the performance has ended. To that you can add that he is in possession of a rare  authenticity …

Morgan certainly likes to live dangerously, and play the kind of people society often shuns or finds too uncomfortable to care about.

Colin is in a mood to talk about his heroes, about a great Irish tradition of storytelling and how he can’t wait to reprise the role of the wizard.

When I ask him what authors and books he likes to read, he contemplates the question for a long time before he tells me that when he was growing up,” I was hugely into Terry Prachett, because coming from Ireland, there was a real need for escapism.”

It’s also important to speak to friends, as much as you can. You realise that you can’t just put your life on hold for seven months. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have any friends left! This work is all consuming, but you can’t let it consume you.
“Acting is probably not a real job – but it is what I want to do.”
Link to this second part:
And link to the third, which is a fun look at, as it says, behind the scenes:


9 comments on “Alison Jane Reid

  1. I particularly love the choices Colin makes in portraying ” the kind of people society often shuns or finds too uncomfortable to care about.”

    He brings a delicate and deep humanity in portraying these personalities … we come to care for them … we come to see them even as friends. Cathal is endearing. Calum is fragile. In both cases, we want to protect them and see them understood and appreciated for their gifts


  2. And, yes, there’s something about the Irish … 🙂


  3. Twosocks says:

    To me, these are by far the best interviews I’ve read and I plan to go back and reread them more thoroughly. You picked out some great sections. There is so much here, it’s hard to know where to start.

    “a delicate and deep humanity”–even playing a sorcerer or a spirit there still seems to be something real and totally human underneath. We “get” it. The small moments and subtle expressions show us something that speaks to us. To something deep and almost in our gut. The part inside.

    And, yes, you just want to wrap Cathal up in a big warm blanket, take him home and feed him something!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Twosocks says:

    I’ve reread the first article a couple of times today. There is so much in them. I have tried to educate myself a bit about Irish history in the last century. When I was reading Morgan Llewellyn’s “1999” which was basically about The Troubles, I found myself doing a kind of mental calculation: how old would Colin have been when this or that happened? Ten? Twelve? It certainly gave me a new appreciation for his courage and also that of his family. How hard was it for his parents to see him going off to that school every day? I can’t imagine.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You probably already know that Colin’s birth date is Jan 1, 1986. That puts him at about 13 years when the 1999 Good Friday Agreement was signed, which was the beginning of quieting the violence. He was 16 when he started traveling to Belfast for drama school. I think a lot of the violence had tempered by then. But, still difficult for a parent to allow him to travel the road he deemed necessary for his dream. Can’t express how much I admire his parents for their approach to raising such an articulate, intelligent, independent, polite and considerate young man.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You will see that I have changed this title to Colin’s World. We are commenting here on all things Colin, and I was happy to see the privacy label removed.


  7. I like very much the name of this magazine … particularly the choice of the word “ethical”.


  8. Comment from Alison Jane Reid regarding her opinion of Colin Morgan.

    ” I have interviewed many icons in my career as a journalist; but Colin Morgan is special. I admire and relate to his struggles to become an actor in Northern Ireland. Colin is very thoughtful, intelligent, has lovely manners ( well done Colin’s mum) and is interested in things that are worth caring about such as the natural world and the food that we eat. I think he is a great role model. I can also tell you that he isn’t interested in celebrity. He loves his job and the craft of acting. It’s as simple as that ”

    This comment by Alison Jane Reid for has caught our attention. We preserve it here for our followers with thanks to Kahl.


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