Fey ?


“Morgana” is often referred to as Morgan le Fay. There seem to be different spellings. Someone magical but not a changeling. Here is my take from what little I recall. There may have been small, dark people in Ireland when the larger, fairer Celtic type people came. Over time they probably mixed with the new people but some children still showed these characteristics. We know now that there were all kinds of people living here before us. I suspect our tales of giants and fairies are a rememberance of them. And, of course, what’s a good tale without a little magic. And maybe they were magical? Who knows? We are beginning to learn that our genes carry more than just hair and eye color. They can actually “remember” which side of our family they come from.  Maybe we’re all a little magical?

22 comments on “Fey ?

  1. Twosocks says:
    February 12, 2015 at 12:51 pm (Edit)

    Didn’t know if I was going a step too far with ‘fey.’ Not a new age person, but I think it is also used to describe someone who is dark (as opposed to red hair) and has a feeling for the natural world. One of the (fictional) characters in a book I just finished described one of her children as fey, and didn’t mean they were not human. Somehow it just seemed to fit. I like that little ad that RSAMD did. I’m Colin Morgan and I’m pure magic. Have to agree. (Maybe slightly misquoted).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. freeformmagic says:
    February 12, 2015 at 1:11 pm (Edit)

    Never a step too far … I’m glad you mentioned it. In fairy tales and books set in Middle Ages or Medieval times, “fey” is often used to describe a “strange” child / person … that is, one who is “otherworldly”.
    The descriptions I am thinking of are primarily from the Celtic cultures, Ireland and particularly the Highlands of Scotland.

    Liked by 1 person

    • In the discussion of “fey” persons, it should be added that Calum, in Island, would have been considered “fey”. If you recall, he saw his father in the woodshed, even though Angus had drowned 7 years before. This along with his behavior, gathering treasures from the sea, and saying the sea had brought them to the shore ‘alive’ … This indicates he is in touch with elements of the world not seen by ‘ordinary’ folk.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. freeformmagic says:
    February 12, 2015 at 4:11 am (Edit)

    My impression of Colin has also been that he is an “old soul”. How else to explain the sensitive understanding of intense emotion from one who has been able to display it from a very young age? Twosocks, your addition of the description “fey” is most appropriate, I think. I found this definition and would have to conclude that Colin wears it well.

    1. mythical being (at the very least, unusual for our time and place)

    2. supernatural; unreal; enchanted; strange; other worldly; able to see the future. (at least one might think so from his ability to make such wise choices.)

    3. quaintly unconventional; whimsical; unusual
    4. possesing fairy like qualities
    (he has enchanted us, very softly and quietly, in the same way the fog moves … on little cat feet.)

    and lastly:
    Defines a certain unexplainable beauty. Gorgeous, sweet, enchanting. Physical attributes often near or past perfection. (does anything more need to be said …)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. leahluna55 says:
    February 12, 2015 at 1:42 pm (Edit)

    I was going to ask about that word “fey”, Can we talk about “fey children”? Are they related to the Indigo and Crystal children? Where can I find more information?
    I like the meaning you found and I agree with both of you, it goes well with his personality, especially on this:
    “quaintly unconventional; whimsical; unusual” and “a certain unexplainable beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Did we want to continue this conversation? Should we move it to Chat Room?


  6. leahluna55 says:

    About Calum, considering him a “fey” person clears my mind about the concept of a “fey child”. I’ve always thought of Calum as an “Indigo child”. Indigo children are special children, they “see” the world in a different way, have blue aura and they are connected to the elements as Calum is. They reveal an unusual intelligence, innocence and purity, and are capable of seeing “people’s heart and mind”. Dr. Doreen Virtue says about been a parent of an Indigo:
    “As parents of an Indigo child your mission is to protect him or her from the old energy (the common beings) and help them remember their divine origin and mission. You cannot allow them to suffer of a massive amnesia regarding their main goal in this world.”
    This is a quote from the book The Indigo Children by Lee Carrol-Jan Tober. Of course my book is in Spanish and tried to translate the quote the best I could.
    There’s much to say about Indigos, there are different types of them with their own characteristics.
    In all these years as a Music Teacher I’ve found several Indigo Children, they are always Special Children with special needs, but they are pure love and as I said before they have “an unusual intelligence, innocence and purity of soul”. Usually they are not understood by common people.
    All this sounds “Calum” to me.


    • It does sound Calum to me, as well. “Fey” is a very old-fashioned term for other-worldly people. The term Indigo is newer and holds a strong resemblance to fey. I do not know enough to know the differences. Perhaps it would be fun to look into that.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Twosocks says:

    Unsure where to put this one. Decided to pick up Morgan Llewellyn’s book “Bard” which I had read quite a while ago. It is where I think I may have picked up the idea of “fey.” Into the second chapter and OMG! she must have had a picture of Colin sitting right in front of her when she wrote the description of the title character. Everything right down to the eyelashes. What’s really strange–the copywrite is 1984! (She did leave out the dimples, though maybe thought that was a bridge too far.)


  8. leahluna55 says:

    1984? 2 years before he was born!!!! OMG


  9. leahluna55 says:

    Is this the book?


  10. leahluna55 says:

    Sorry it didn’t work. I found a book in amazon with the same name and author.


  11. leahluna55 says:

    That same author “Morgan L.” has a book named 1916 based on the rising.


  12. Twosocks says:

    I actually had to order a used book of Bard. I must have passed mine along somewhere and this one is not offered as an ebook. Miss Llywellyn had written quite a few books using Irish and Celtic backgrounds. Her “1916” is really good. It was the first one I read on The Rising and made some of the others more understandable. There is a string of them that go all the way through The Troubles. I liked all of them.


  13. leahluna55 says:

    Ok Joan, now you’re increasing my library, jejejeje! 🙂 Love Celtic and Irish stories and traditions long before Colin.
    I read the first pages (Kindle) of 1916 and liked the way she writes. There are two books of Bard, which one is it?


  14. Twosocks says:

    Looked on Amazon. I have the little mass market paperback–green with a red shield. Looks like they start at about one cent. The one I got was well used but it’s readable. Don’t know why it’s not available as an ebook.

    With the “1916” and the other books in that series (The Irish Century?), the central fictional characters continue through all of them which makes it kind of a continuing story. I am finding I like the author’s female characters. No running around drafty castles in flimsy clothing. My biggest gripe about ‘historical fiction.’

    The other thing I like about Llywellyn’s books is that she includes a really good bibliography at the end which has allowed me to find other books on the subject. Perhaps we could make a request for a books section under Conversations?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Twosocks says:

    I did think about that thread, Suntse, but didn’t know if you wanted to keep it just for books directly connected to Colin like Good Omens. Your blog is so well run that where ever you want us to post works great!


    • I think it would be good to give you a separate place for “other” book conversations. Glad to see all the sharing … I’m picking up some new interests myself! The author Morgan Llywellyn is one I would like to pursue.
      (Is there something about the name ‘Morgan’???)


    • Hello all bookworms! There is a new page under Conversations: ‘Books’. Suggested by Joan. Try it out and let me know if it works for you. Suntse


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