Chat Room

A place for all the “other” things you want to say ….

Here is the beginning of your continuing stream:  Remember, you will have to scroll down to the Leave a Reply box to enter your comment.

  • leahluna55 says:

    Great! it’s nice to find people with similar thoughts and the same desire to share. Love this place!


  • leahluna55 says:

    Twosocks: I found the way to import from Tumblr, and I did during the weekend, but I just kept in the WordPress some articles and posts from Tumblr.


  • Twosocks says:

    leahluna–you are way ahead of me on this. I am assuming you have your own blog, which I do not. I just “follow.” Maybe someday. And perhaps there is a way for yourself and freeformmagic to give me some instruction (by pm?). I may be entering a brave new world here.


  • I am renaming the Title “Testing” to “Chat”. I will try to move your comments to the new Thread called “Chat”. Hope you don’t mind picking up and continuing your conversation there.

    Let’s see if I can sort this out a bit. Again, I beg your patience with my efforts. Thanks! ffm

1,154 comments on “Chat Room

  1. AwenFound says:

    There are quite a few sites like that. I think it might be more trouble than it is worth to go after them, but I think if one got big enough, they would have to deal with legal repercussions. You can usually tell if a site is not legal if it doesn’t have any kind of advertising or fees. Although this has fees, the red flag is that they call it a donation. Also, all the legit sites are acknowledged by the productions companies and studios, and they will let you know when the shows will appear on streaming sites that they have contracts with. Netflix is a good example of that.


  2. AwenFound says:

    Dying to know where you are with episodes right now, Suntse.


    • Through Episode 4. Setting it aside for awhile. Time to get up and stretch. Coming back a little later to watch the last two … this will be my first time through … a lot to think about! 🙂


      • AwenFound says:

        Yes, a lot to think about. So much going on with Nathan and the story. Now that I have seen the whole show, I find myself going back to specific scenes to re-watch Colin’s reactions and some of the lovely moments between Nathan and Charlotte.


      • I saw enough of ep 6 to see Ashley Pharough is playing with time again, as he did in Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes. He does tell an intriguing story. I look forward to picking this up in the morning.

        Sweet dreams, Suntse


  3. Oh, wanted to mention to Joan: You will remember that interesting music behind the opening credits from the series “Turn, Washington’s Spies”. Good stuff!


  4. When you get a chance, please look at the Conversations main page and let me know if that Index will be helpful. Thank you, Suntse


  5. AwenFound says:

    Waiting for You update – Hugh Stoddart recently posted the following on his blog: First, some good news: I was at a screening for WAITING FOR YOU on the 8th. It’s finally finished and I’m very happy with it!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. AwenFound says:

    Funky Films has responded to an inquiry as to when we might see The Laughing King:

    We are trying to organise something with CALM in September before its online release later in the year. Will keep you posted.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Added a new photo to “Interlude Inside the Old Mill”. M..mmm ❤


  8. Hi … just a note to tell you I have added ‘The Many Faces of Colin Morgan’ to the main menu bar, enlarged the pictures, and given it its own page. Future personalities will be added as his career continues. So now it’s right up front for anyone who wants to see his amazing progress. ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That, my dear, is impossible to answer. How would I narrow it down to a single one? I can say that, although I find him very handsome, DS Anderson is not a character that speaks to me. On the other hand, I cannot help but be drawn to Cathal and Calum. Merlin has so many sides, I return to him often for both laughter and tears. What a grand beginning that gave our Colin. We will always be grateful to that casting Director. ❤


    • AwenFound says:

      As far as personalities, I love them all. But each has a different look, as you say. Tom intrigues me the most because I think he looks so different and this is the first character where Colin isn’t using his expressions to let us know what is going on inside. Merlin had five years to show us many wonderful expressions from sadness to humor (we don’t get that humor much anymore and I miss it). But I would have to say, Leo. Perhaps because he really was the character where I discovered Colin’s range of talent. But that face expresses both child and man, trust and mistrust, and loneliness, yet a complete connection to those who are his family.

      Liked by 1 person

    • So you meant to say “which personality”… Ah, I was responding to “which face”. Yet, I would still have trouble separating out one from the others. Leo’s journey couldn’t have been expressed better than you have done it here. ❤


      • AwenFound says:

        Oh that’s funny. I thought you were responding with personality when I meant face. But I think they seem to be interchangeable since Colin reflects the personality of each character through his face. I would have to add to Leo, great sadness yet a wonderful sense of humor that, almost reluctantly, escapes every once in awhile.

        Liked by 1 person

      • So, it is explained! Merlin, Cathal, Calum, Leo, Nathan. Agree that it’s difficult to separate faces from personality … and I really can’t choose. They each have a place in the tenderest part of my heart, except Anderson who is merely interesting to me, for the reason you mention.


  10. Drew … why not place your comment about Leo … “That face expresses both child and man, trust and mistrust, and loneliness, yet a complete connection to those who are his family.”… on the Leo post you find most appropriate. It is so beautifully expressed, and I would love to see it in a more public place than “Chat”.


  11. mywhisperingmind says:

    Suntse, I must ask…is your latest post in response (in part or in whole) to some of the long conversations you may have seen a couple of his newer fans have on Twitter?

    I’m finding them a little tiring myself, so I’m curious. 🙂


    • I haven’t seen the ‘tweets’ you mention, but I, too, am tired of the shallow fans. I can say this article generated a big response, perhaps partly because of the conversations you mention. An accident of timing?


    • mywhisperingmind says:

      I believe that some of your responses (other than the fact that it’s a well written and accidently timely article 😀 ) are due to that…there’s been an ongoing stream of chatter between a few fans that, perhaps, should be left to a more private forum than Twitter. It would be hypocritical of me to have issue with some of what they’re saying; it’s more where it is being said. 🙂

      That’s why I was curious. I have unfollowed a couple of them because it was overtaking my Twitter feed.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jen, would you give me an overview of what all the hub-bub was about? *puzzled* (and I probably don’t really want to know, especially if it’s ugly or rude, but myself curious now.)


      • mywhisperingmind says:

        It wasn’t a hub-bub…just ongoing conversations over the past couple of weeks by 3 or 4 fans about various aspects of Colin’s physique. Curiosity discussions, speculations, blatant admiration…things like that. None of it was rude or ugly…just ongoing and in some respects, inappropriate for public social media, in my opinion, but harmless in intention. Knowing your feelings on discussions of that nature, I wondered if you had perhaps seen these conversations as well, and your post was your commentary on that. These same girls/women also recognize his undeniable talent. It’s just that the long conversations generally aren’t focusing on that. 🙂

        So it’s nothing really…it was just my own curiosity kicking in about the reason for your post. 🙂


      • As it happens, I wrote that in November of last year in response to a comment pertaining to ‘The Rising’. (Which had to do with Cillian Murphy’s opinion about keeping private, himself). I came across it the other day and felt it would be a good comment to publish. The reaction kind of surprised me, but then there was a similar reaction to “An Empathic Actor”, along with a couple of others. Doesn’t happen often, but occasionally.

        And, you were right about my reaction. Treating Colin like a lab rat doesn’t go down well with me. That’s why I stay away from most of the Tumblr/Twitter sites. So, it does appear this was accidentally timely.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Good morning! It was a long wait for TLATD. Now that it’s here, I have rewatched it many times. My dvd’s will be arriving next week from the UK. That’s good news. What were some of the scenes which drew your special attention? Do you have any comments about the series as a whole? Any comments about this step in Colin’s career path?

    I think of all of you often, Leah, Jen, Joan, and Drew. What fun we have had sharing. It’s always a delight to see one of your comments light up the notification icon!

    As for me, I continue to be intrigued by Nathan, and as I rewatch, this series draws me even further into the possibilities of the story. Who was the first ghost? The one who came to his mother? I thought I had an idea, but she asked, “Who are you?” … which kinda blew my theory away … on the other hand, this story-teller has many tricks up his sleeve.

    Say, “Hello” when you can. Love, Suntse ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • mywhisperingmind says:

      Good morning, Suntse. 🙂 Funny, when we heard that TLATD was coming out, I was looking forward to sharing our viewing experiences here, like we did with Humans. I was almost disappointed that it was released as it was…as a “box set”. Yes, we could have all decided to wait and watch it episode by episode, but I knew that wouldn’t happen. 🙂 The temptation to watch it marathon style was too overwhelming – we had waited so long. I know Joan hasn’t had a chance to watch it, so I can’t wait until she does (we are mentally standing by her mailbox with her as she waits) and we get her impressions (as much as she has pretty much seen every scene, but not as a whole), and I don’t know of Leah has watched it as we did on FindTV.

      I have watched it as a whole twice, and will watch it again over and over, as I’m sure there’s bits I’ve missed. There’s much to ponder and many questions remain unanswered. It will be interesting to see if Ashley and the other writers clean up the loose ends in a second series, if permitted. 🙂 There’s much more to learn about Nathan and his family…all of it. And no…I don’t know who Victoria was speaking to from her bed at that moment. That is one of the questions.

      You may have read my impressions of Colin’s performance in this series. His interpretation of Nathan’s struggles was marvelous to watch, particularly in the last two episodes.

      Maybe one day he’ll do something more lighthearted. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jen, like you I was really looking forward to our discussion here. This time delay has made that difficult, keeping in mind our friends who may not have been able to see it yet. There are many visitors from the U.S. and other parts of the world, and we don’t want to spoil anything for them … so that limits what I will post. The Spoilers thread should give us the opportunity but, of course, we have our own close group to think of. Joan will have hers soon. I will write Leah and find out her thoughts. ❤


      • mywhisperingmind says:

        Funny, as soon as I put up my last post, I had to tell Joan not to read it – at least not all of it. She says she won’t until she’s seen all six episodes. As much as she knows a fair bit of what happens, she doesn’t know it all and I didn’t want to ruin it. I look forward to discussing our interpretations once she’s all caught up. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Twosocks says:

    Find myself holding my breath looking into the mailbox waiting for those DVDs. As you may know, there was a little glitch with a fire for me this summer, so Nathan’s arrival will come at exactly the right time, when I can put all this other distraction behind me. I have read a bit of Thomas Hardy since Pharoah mentioned him several times, so will look for those connections too. Saw pictures of the DVD cover and am glad Colin finally gets one to himself. Even with Merlin he had to share.


    • Joan! I didn’t know … what is this about a fire? Were you okay? Are you okay? When you have a minute, please let me know. So good to see Twosocks on the chat line again !


      • Twosocks says:

        Even small fires are a pain! No real structural damage except a small scorch mark in the basement. I wasn’t home at the time. They got it out fairly quickly, but the house filled with smoke and everything had to be cleaned. Also got new appliances and updated electric and plumbing in the basement. So I am ready to put this summer behind me (one more day to replace some basement windows and a bit of painting) and plan to spend a lot of time with Nathan soon.

        Liked by 2 people

      • We look forward to your impressions. 🙂


    • Hi Joan … we are waiting with you! I just checked the tracking on my delivery. It says “Monday, August 22nd. Is yours any earlier? Waiting to hear your good news. 🙂


      • Twosocks says:

        That’s what mine says, too, but I kind of feel that date is some kind of standard two week delivery time and it is usually shorter than that. Obviously, the customer is much happier if something comes sooner rather than later than expected. Nothing today and I was more figuring on next Monday. Nothing I order from overseas has day to day tracking like here in the US, but things tend to arrive in a reasonable time.


  14. AwenFound says:

    So much to comment, but I will start with this. I think when we read that Colin only takes roles that are “daunting” or terrify him we nod and really appreciate that. But reflecting on his words after watching one of his performances, like that of Nathan, really makes you realize how this man has taken something that challenges and scares him and not only confronts it but masters it until you can’t help but think, what a perfect role for him, he was born to play this character. I think for many actors, those roles come along only only a few times in their lives. But with Colin, it is every role he chooses that becomes the role that he was born to play.


  15. It’s testament to Colin’s skill, and your willingness to remain open, that Nathan grew on you to the point of changing your opinion. 🙂

    I was surprised that I actually had to get used to Nathan. But now that I have seen the show a few times I love this character and his journey. (AwenFound)


    • AwenFound says:

      I’d like to add something that I have been thinking about for awhile. I wish that there had been some flashbacks showing Nathan and his son together. I have noticed that quite a few people have commented that they didn’t like Gabriel and some even saying that he was evil. First of all, this was a little boy who only wanted his father. Never once did I see him as evil. I think for the sake of suspense there were scenes where you weren’t sure what he was going to do (like when he was standing near Lara’s baby), but ultimately he never did anything wrong. Had there been a few scenes of a loving father and son, I believe we would have had an opportunity to really like little Gabriel and then feel his loneliness without his father. But, we never saw anything but the ghost.

      Another reason I think we needed these scenes, is that by seeing the two together (and you know Colin would have created a beautiful relationship with this boy), it would have made Nathan’s grief even more real to us, as our hearts would have hurt at the loss of that relationship. As it was, we hurt for Nathan, we hurt for the pain he was going through, but we didn’t necessarily hurt for the loss of the relationship, itself.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I very much want to respond to your comment, Drew. Must leave it for a little later. But, suffice to say briefly, Like you, I did not at any time find Gabriel evil.


      • AwenFound says:

        I hope you do get a chance to respond. I look forward to your thoughts on this.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Regarding Nathan and his son … I believe that it was Nathan who was hurting, anguishing really, for the loss of the relationship. Remembering Gabriel’s voice: “Daddy, play with me. Why don’t you ever have time to play with me?” Nathan was caught up in his work while Gabriel was alive. After Gabriel’s drowning, his attempts to reach his father proved futile because of Nathan’s refusal to believe anything that couldn’t be proved scientifically. Remembering Gabriel’s voice: “You didn’t want to see me.”

        This story reveals the sadness in the relationship which, Nathan knows deep down didn’t need to be and for which he feels a lingering guilt.

        Liked by 1 person

      • AwenFound says:

        Suntse, I love your pointing out the connections to Nathan not having time for Gabriel when he was alive and ignoring him when he was dead. I agree it was Nathan’s anguish. Also, Gabriel was being raised by his grandmother, so how often did Nathan come to visit? He was a little boy who longed for the company of his father and that continued after death.

        I do stil wish they had filmed a flashback or two. I still think seeing Gabriel before he was a ghost would have warmed the audience to him and also would have made Nathan’s grief all the more emotional for the audience.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I cannot disagree. Seeing Gabriel trying to get his father’s attention while he was still alive would certainly have warmed the audience to him and given an early indication of the little boy’s desperate attempts to connect with his father.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. AwenFound says:

    Doing a rewatch of TLATD, starting tonight. Two things I had not thought of before: 1. Nathan’s mother seemed concerned when she said that Gideon should light the fire and not Nathan. I wonder why. 2. When you see the globe as his mother drops it, there is light coming through it. Obviously, there is other light in the room, but I wonder if it was reflecting the “book of light.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • mywhisperingmind says:

      I noticed Nathan’s mother’s concern as well, right from the first time I watched. I wondered why, too. Another lose end.

      I didn’t notice the light in the globe. I’ll look for that on my next watch. 🙂 My head still isn’t clear on who it is she is seeing. Suntse, do you have a theory?

      Liked by 2 people

      • AwenFound says:

        I am pretty sure it is Lara. You can hear her voice calling to Nathan just before she enters the room. What I am going to do during this watch is find where she is calling him that same way during her timeline.

        Liked by 1 person

      • AwenFound says:

        This is reaching, but perhaps lighting that fire somehow set the events in motion for the Applebys. Remember, the mother had never seen Lara before. She appeared on the night of the solstice bonfire right after it was lit. However, she had also appeared to Gabriel. Rewatching this does bring up so many more questions.

        I hope others will join it. There is a lot to delve into.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ahh, Drew … truly said! A lot to delve into. It’s been very hard to resist starting the conversation. Let’s move further comments to Spoilers and give Joan a chance to have her first full viewing. After that, I’m wondering if it would be fun to start a series of posts … one for each episode, where we could ask questions and give our comments regarding that Episode, perhaps opening up comments for those not already engaged in Chat or Spoilers. We still have our U.S. friends to think of, and I’m very torn about this. Of course, we could just keep it on Spoilers after Joan joins in.


      • AwenFound says:

        I like the idea of a post for each episode.


      • If we do that, we may have to contain our enthusiasm for a bit longer. When we do, perhaps you all will repost your comments already made, which are very interesting and engaging. (Are we not the least concerned about the next viewers, or do we feel that anyone truly interested has already found a way to see this challenging series?)


  17. AwenFound says:

    Also, in episode two…I had always thought that the hand that caressed Nathan’s and guided him to Charlie’s body was Gabriel’s, but it was Charlie. However, it was Gabriel who saved Nathan’s life and I never quite picked up on that. I realized he was calling to his father, but I never got that it was to get him out of the cave.

    I feel like I am watching this for the first time.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Good morning, friends. Early Risers or Late to Bed? I’m up, middle of the night here, and was glad to see your comments. It will be back to bed for me soon; I have a lot to do today. But briefly … … Yes, a story rich in mystery. Nothing easily seen or understood at first viewing. We are still hoping Ashley finds a way to continue his creation.

    It seems we were all taken by Nathan’s mother’s concern that he should let Gideon light the Solstice Fire. A mystery apparently not solved in this (first) series. As for who did she see? My very first thought was a ghost of Olivia … but she says, “Who are you?” So, that doesn’t work! I agree that it must be Lara. Was this the first ‘Time’ overlap? Watching the approach to mother’s room, we see that the house is in a derelict state coming through the hall to the door … very likely Lara’s wanderings through the house … remembering that she brings the globe to Lottie … “Look what I found for you.” (not exact words), as she gives the globe to her daughter.

    More later … just wanted you to know, I will be rejoining you on this next re-watch. My dvd’s will arrive Monday! Having close caption may shed more light on this journey, as the dialogue I missed will become clearer to me. As with any great story-teller, Ashley has left us with much to ponder.

    (I often wonder how many viewers care to look deeper, and for whom, with only one viewing, the story-line has ‘finished’?) I’m pleased that we, here, have a desire to pursue questions and their meaning.


    • AwenFound says:

      I had not realized that the house we were seeing, before the door opened to Nathan’s mother’s room, was the one Lara saw. I will have to go back and check that out.

      I have been told that commentaries are no longer generally being done for television shows. I sure wish they had recorded a couple for this. There are so many questions that would have been nicely answered by commentaries. Not only that, but how they incorporated the history of the time, and what they did to achieve the the look of the show would have been interesting to hear about. For instance, the use of drones for some shots, that gave it another level of eerieness.

      I wonder if Ashley might put up a simple website where the story is finished and also where people could ask questions. The other idea would be to do some kind of audio book and perhaps some of the actors would return for that. However, I very much doubt it will be that elaborate. And that might also be my wishful thinking kicking in that Colin someday does an audio book.


      • If you pause the progression of the camera on the approach to mother’s room, you will see that the hall is pretty well empty and devoid of decoration, single picture on the walls, etc. Of course we were more focused on the door and what was going to happen, not as much observing detail the first time or two. You may see it differently.

        Liked by 1 person

  19. Hallelujah !!! My dvd’s just arrived! Can’t wait to start watching with close-caption … now I will know what those ghostly voices are saying! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I’m sooooo excited !! Like, I haven’t already watched it 6 times ! ? !


    • AwenFound says:

      Now you can watch the DVD’s six more.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, Drew and all, it was like watching it for the first time! The subtitles were an immeasurable help in understanding many things. Dialogue I had misheard or missed entirely came to light, and I was a kid in a candy store! Perhaps my hearing isn’t what it used to be, and the volume on my pc is rather low even when turned up full. In any case, six more times may be only the beginning.

        My idea that Nathan hadn’t had time to play with Gabriel was dulled in E02 when he tells Charlie that he and Gabriel had played with the soldiers 100’s of times. Still, Gabriel did complain that Nathan hadn’t had time to play. Also, I completely missed that once Olivia died, Nathan stayed in London and sent Gabriel to be raised by his grandmother, Victoria, at Shepzoy.

        So, more to ponder. BBC better have something amazing waiting for us to justify cancelling this series abruptly.

        And, YES ! … It IS a work of art!! … Cinematography worthy of a Van Gogh masterpiece.


  21. Twosocks says:

    I am becoming more and more mesmerized by this series. I even did some googling to find out how Charlotte’s steam traction engine works! Third time on episode one. I actually find myself not wanting to go through too fast and going back over the first three episodes several times (and maybe too lazy to change discs!) but not wanting it to end knowing we will not get another season.


  22. Is anyone else having trouble with FindTV transmissions? For a week or more, the buffering is making viewing impossible for me. I just sent an error report to them, but wondered if any of you were having similar problems? Thanks, Suntse


    • AwenFound says:

      I watched Sherlock on FT last weekend and didn’t have a problem.


    • mywhisperingmind says:

      I just tried it and have no issues. Mind you, I didn’t watch a whole episode…just started one, so can’t say for sure. Would it have anything to do with your internet provider, possibly? Has anything else been slow as well? Have you tried watching YouTube videos, for example, so see if you have the same problem with buffering?


  23. THE FALL, S03E01 … Jill and I may be a little ahead, so let me know when you want to start any discussion of this episode. We will keep it to Spoilers Herein. Just don’t want to start until more of you are ready to comment. Joan, any chance you can begin watching it soon?
    Thanks, Suntse


    • Twosocks says:

      Apparently I’ve pretty much seen the totality of Colin’s parts in The Fall for the first two episodes thanks to Tumblr. Episode two looks pretty bleak. I have the DVDs ordered. I think the first week or two of November. But just go ahead. I don’t mind spoilers and am wondering just how much (or little) Colin we are actually going to get.


    • mywhisperingmind says:

      Suntse, sorry I didn’t reply sooner, but I’ve been kept busy with work and other such nonsense. That will continue throughout the week, so I may not be that quick off the mark with my responses.

      I have watched Episode 1, and would certainly be willing to share some thoughts….not just about Tom, but about what’s happening with the rest of the characters as well. There are some twisty turns coming that are quite intriguing, and I’m very curious where this is going to lead, as well as what Tom’s role will be in the continuing story. 🙂


      • Jen … not to worry. I know what a nuisance work, etc. can be. And I’m so with you that my comments will not be just about Tom. We can all admit here and now that he does fill the screen when he’s on it! However, we are all intrigued with where this is headed.

        I must leave very early this morning for an eye appt, then work, etc. I may try to start the Thread this evening, unless we would all like to delay until the week-end. I will wait to hear our community’s wishes. Love you all! ❤


  24. Hello friends ! Have been very ill for a couple of weeks now. The Dr. says, Bronchitis. Whatever it’s name it has really sidelined me! I want to catch up, but it may be pretty slow until my energy returns. Hope you are all well and ready for Colin’s “what’s next”. The Living and The Dead reaches USA fans as it joins a Halloween celebration this coming Thursday. We will be watching The Fall Season 3 when Netflix airs it next Saturday. And on Sunday, 10/30, we can only hope Humans is the Channel 4 version and not in the hands of AMC. It appears The Rising is really on its way to begin filming for a 2017 release. Say Hello when you can. Love, Suntse


    • Twosocks says:

      Hope you’re feeling better! Please take care. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

    • mywhisperingmind says:

      Sorry to hear you haven’t been well, Suntse. Hope you’re back to good health soon. ❤

      Watched the BBCAmerica trailer for TLATD yesterday…they've really made it out to be a horror show, I guess for the Halloween crowd. I never found it scary at all – just eerie – and I hope the US viewers aren't disappointed that it's been portrayed that way, but really isn't.

      The Fall is being aired here on Bravo, so I've been recording it, as well as watching it through other means. 😉 I really don't need to record it, though, because, as you say, it will be on Netflix soon enough. Colin doesn't have a huge part in this, at least not so far, but it is nice to watch him in something until a meatier role shows up.

      Humans will be the Channel 4 version. AMC hasn't got their hands on it yet. It will be interesting to see if, when they do air it in February, they have murdered it like they did season one. 🙂 Anyway, I'm REALLY looking forward to watching it, especially after seeing some of the promotional photos that have recently surfaced.

      Anyway, I hope you feel better! We're all just ticking along, waiting for Colin's next projects to roll out. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  25. “The Fall” has arrived on Netflix!! I will spend the week-end watching all 6 episodes with the additional blessing of subtitles! It is exciting to know I will be able to understand all the dialogue at last. Will all the mysteries be revealed? I know you will all be watching as well. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  26. AwenFound says:

    I saw the finale last night and look forward to your comments. Hope you are feeling better!


  27. Hello 🙂 Apologies for my long absence, which may last a bit longer. My health has pretty much returned, though the illness has sapped by energy for the time being. To add to that, I am moving by the end of the month, have an eye surgery coming on Dec 4th, need to get my vehicle safety checked, repaired if necessary, and registered by the end of this month. Then there are the Christmas plans. We are all busy at this time of year. My beloved blog will need to wait and survive with a very occasional entry for now. I think of you all often and very fondly. Will keep in touch the best I can. Humans 02 is surpassing all expectations, and I am blown away by each episode to date. The philosophical questions raised give entry to deep and introspective thoughts about what is valuable, how we treat each other v. how we appear to treat each other, and the list goes on.
    Until next time, Suntse


  28. Hello friends 🙂 … This has been a long couple of months. I have missed you. Stop by when you can. Let’s touch base again. I know we are waiting now for Colin’s next project. Here’s hoping it’s “The Rising”, at last! ❤


    • mywhisperingmind says:

      Hello Suntse. 🙂 Sounds like you had a busy few months. I hope all is settled and you are well.

      As have we all, I’ve been following Colin’s progress with interest and anticipation, waiting for whatever comes next. My hope is Waiting For You, as at least that one is in the can. I just hope it will come to us in NA somehow, even if we have to wait for a DVD. It looks like an intriguing movie and it will be nice to take the bits and pieces we’ve been given and put them all in context.

      The other movie coming out soon, of course, is The Happy Prince. I await that with some trepidation. It certainly looks as though this role fits the “daunting” aspect of what appeals to Colin, so it will be interesting to see how it’s presented.

      I’ve been quiet on My Whispering Mind recently, except for my most recent post, in giddy response to the latest – no, not the latest now – photos released. Oh My! I do love those photos! You can certainly see in those alone how he could fit into some different roles. 🙂 Plus he’s just flat out gorgeous. None of us can deny that. ❤

      When time permits, I am planning some changes to my blog – it has become less focused on me and more on Colin, and I think I might formalise that change somewhat and remove some of the personal stuff. I find I don't need it so much now. 🙂 But I've been busy with grandchildren and a part-time job, so just need to shuffle priorities to make that happen.

      Anyway, take care, and we'll keep in touch here. Hopefully we will have a new project from Colin to chat about soon.

      Jen. ❤


      • At work now, but just had to peek at your pictures. Oh My!! More later when I get home. So glad to hear from you again!


      • Good morning, Jen 🙂
        Yes! Flat out gorgeous!! You’ve said it for me, as well !!! The move came at a difficult time, coinciding with illness and end of year chores. But a group of lovely friends from work took charge and got everything moved into my new quarters. Now it’s the task of unloading boxes, organizing, and trying to find things until that’s done. It was wonderful, and necessary to get the help, but I currently have no idea where to find anything 😀 . The illness sapped my energy. Many days wanting to sit down with Colin and you but finding the little grey cells uncooperative! At last that seems to be behind me, and I am ready to return to his adventures.

        The role of Bosie … reading about him leaves us to believe he was often unkind, selfish, and manipulative of Wilde. Hard to imagine Colin making him likeable as he has done with every other role thus far. Colin as a scoundrel. How will we absorb that? He not only challenges himself, he is challenging us as well. We seem to continue to learn from him, and our affection grows ever deeper.

        Liked by 1 person

  29. Leah, Jen, Joan, Drew … Hello again. 4 months later, one relapse after another, and I am just now beginning to feel tenuously well. I’m trying not to push my luck, take it easy, and rest a lot! I have missed you all so much and hope we can strike up a conversation again. Tell me what you’ve been doing, and how you are faring.

    Do you have any ideas or thoughts about Colin’s role as Bosie? I am rather intrigued, myself. Would love to hear from you about it. Love, Suntse


  30. mywhisperingmind says:

    Good morning, Suntse! I was enjoying your latest post. 🙂 Yes, we are all eagerly awaiting this sure-to-be-wonderful movie, and seeing Colin become Sean.

    I thought i should mention, just in passing, that the photo you used, which is wonderfully done, is a manip by Cathaloreagan. This is her tweet where she revealed it, and you can see from her comments below it that it’s her edit.

    I just wasn’t sure if you knew that, and thought you might want to maybe mention that in your post. 🙂

    Sooo glad to hear about Humans being renewed! Later filming that we would like….have a year to see the results, but it’s something to look forward to, for sure!

    What Colin’s doing in the meantime, is anyone’s guess. Wish we knew.



  31. I made the assumption it was Colin in costume as perhaps a promotional piece for the fund-raising efforts. Will have to be more careful in future. Love the photo though!


  32. mywhisperingmind says:

    Hi Suntse! Enjoyed your recent post, but thought I would point out that the clip that you’ve included isn’t a trailer from “our” Waiting For You. It’s 2 years old, and is from something different. I know it’s probably wishful thinking, and we are all on tenderhooks waiting for something to come out, but this isn’t it, sadly. 😦

    Did you see that The Laughing King will be available to watch tomorrow sometime! Can’t wait! Will be interesting to see if there are many changes from the found version from last year. 🙂

    Anyway, thought I should mention something about the trailer you posted. Sorry about that. I’m as disappointed as you, but hopefully something will be out after Waiting For You is shown at the Belfast Film Festival next week.



    • Oh, Darn ! Sorry to mislead. Apparently I’m not being as careful as I used to be. I saw that the trailer was from 2 yrs ago, but the work on WFY has been going on for at least that long. So, what is this ‘release date’ that was associated with the trailer? It did make me wonder that it was US rather than France. I am VERY confused!

      As always, I appreciate your input. 🙂 Sunny


    • It’s so nice to have a conversation going again. 🙂


    • You make a good point. We have been ‘waiting’ soooooo long, we are grasping at straws. This getting in on a film’s beginning is exciting. It is also making us aware of how long and tedious the process can be. We have cautioned patience in the past … guess, I need to remember that now that we are getting close. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  33. A new update on the continuing adventures of Suntse ! The rental house I have shared with my grandson since October has been sold and we must move by end April. Still topsy-turvy from the last move. The quiet life I had been living has certainly been turned on its head the last several months! 🙂 😀


    • mywhisperingmind says:

      Oh no! Well, that does throw everything into a whirlwind. I hope you are able to find another place quickly and the move goes smoothly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • AwenFound says:

      What a crazy time it has been for you. I hope things calm down soon. Maybe that perfect little house is out there waiting for you. In the meantime, nice that Colin is coming out with several audio projects.

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Thanks for the morale support. It really helps. We’re going to look at something today. Not many houses for rent here, and pet restrictions apply on most. Justin, my grandson, has a big (120 lb), lovable dog … but that will make it harder to find a place to light. I could find a place on my own, but we will try to stay together for now… not much time left however. Peace and Joy to you both! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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